During the time of rapid population growth and shrinkage of fertile agricultural land, different practices and efforts are made for the better utilization of environmental and it's components. To fulfill the gap between demand and supply different agricultural methods are brought into use. Among these methods, Aquaponics is one of the best method to harness the energy of nature and protect the quality of natural environment. Now let's talk about " Aquaponics". When we talk about it we must understand it's meaning and concept. Aquaponics means raising of aquatic life i.e fish and agricultural crops at the same time in symbiotic environment. It is the advanced form of hydroponics as aquaculture is included on the same system. It is the redesigned form of two systems of agriculture i.e hydroponics and aquaculture. Hydroponics + Aquaculture ➡ Aquaponics The main concept of aquaponics is to integrate two ...